John Gary Brown Biography


Artist's Statement

The landscape, certainly the most eternal and elemental of all artistic subjects, allows me to create worlds that reflect my view of reality — that the universe evolves in an unhurried but inexorable process that deserves respect and emulation. The implications of this point of view can be superimposed onto ecological considerations, or spiritual advancement, but I prefer to simply depict the landscape in its placid and dynamic states. I celebrate each manifestation as a natural and inevitable reflection of a broader and mystical reality that must be taken on faith.

I endeavor to create both objective and subjective interpretations of specific places or experiences, exploring unusual light and extraordinary color or configurations that occur in the area's infinite variety of outward manifestations. Natural forces, such as wind and water may be implied, and storms or celestial objects may also be represented, but overseeing each specific event or circumstance that is implied in any given painting, is the turning of the earth and the long march towards entropy and rebirth.

I believe that mankind’s marks upon the earth are superficial and fleeting, and I try to depict and celebrate what is truly elemental in the landscape — the breathing of life into great watery vistas, seen through shifting, atmospheric veils, or the falling of sun light onto undisturbed dust.